

Flat Rate

Safety First

Both you and your shipments will travel with professional drivers. Always with the highest quality standards.

Prices With No Surprises

Both you and your shipments will travel with professional drivers. Always with the highest quality standards.

Private Travel Solutions

Both you and your shipments will travel with professional drivers. Always with the highest quality standards.

Airport Service

Pearson Airport Limo Service by Mega Limo

Traveling to or from Pearson Airport? Look no further! Mega Limo Limousines has you covered. Here’s what we offer:

  1. Easy Booking: Just give us a call or send a text to confirm your airport limo reservation. Or you can book yourself on our website by filling the required details. We’ll take care of the rest.
  2. Luxury Fleet: Our fleet boasts over 15 modern luxury limousines. From executive sedans to spacious SUVs and stretch limos, we’ve got options for every traveler.
  3. Friendly Chauffeurs: Our professional, uniformed chauffeurs are committed to ensuring a comfortable and smooth ride. You’re in good hands!
  4. Top-Notch Transfers: Experience top-of-the-line Toronto Airport transfers with Mega Limo. We value our clients and aim for excellence. Currently serving from Cambridge to Pearson Airport , Guelph to Pearson Airport, London to Pearson Airport, Kitchner to Pearson Airport and extending operations further.
  5. Luxury Meets Sustainability: We care about the environment. Our eco-friendly Tesla limousines offer premium luxury while minimizing our impact. When you book one, you step into a world of grandeur, complete with modern interiors and spaciousness.

Ready to ride in style? Contact us and experience the future of transportation with our advanced technology Tesla limousines! 🚗✨


Get to or from
the airport

The price of tickets for low-cost airlines for a specific route has a much larger spread than that of regular airlines. It depends on the time to departure, demand and competition on the route. Unlike regular airlines, low-cost airlines rarely offer cheap tickets more than 3 months before departure.